Winter School 2020
The winter school took place from February 3-7 at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi, Ghana. In attendance were 8 MSc and BSc students and 8 staff from ETH Zurich, HSR, FHNW, and BFH. They were joined by 3 students from Ivory Coast, 2 students from Liberia, 9 students from Ghana, and 7 lecturers from KNUST. The school included: 1) Inputs on SDGs, local issues related to water, and global issues related to water; 2) Field visits to a lakeside community, an irrigated rice plantation, urban informal settings, and an abandoned mining site; 3) Meetings with stakeholders; and 4) Case study work in groups of 5-6 students. It was a dynamic and interesting week during which new perspectives were learned and new friendships were forged. The participants look forward to meeting again in August in Switzerland, when the students will present the results of their MSc or BSc research activities.